GEOPRESS provides a user experience that is second to none. Unrivaled in speed, ease, and versatility — it's effective on all 7 continents and provides complete protection from all waterborne pathogens (virus, bacteria, protozoan cysts) plus chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, and even microplastics.

Feature Aquamira Water Treatment Drops Grayl GeoPress Katadyn BeFree LifeStraw Peak Squeeze MSR Guardian Purifier Platypus GravityWorks Sawyer Squeeze
Weight 17g / 0.6 oz 294g / 10.4 oz 73g / 2.6 oz 56g / 2 oz 419g / 14.8 oz 175g / 6.2 oz 56g / 2 oz
Flow rate 1 liter per minute 5 liter per minute 2 liters per minute 1 liter per minute 2.5 liters per minute 1 liter per minute 1 liter per minute
Removes Bacteria, protozoa, parasites Bacteria, protozoa, parasites, sediment, viruses, chemicals Bacteria, protozoa, parasites, sediment Bacteria, protozoa, parasites Bacteria, protozoa, parasites, sediment, chemicals Bacteria, protozoa, parasites, sediment, chemicals Bacteria, protozoa, parasites, sediment, chemicals
Warranty 1 year 10 year 2 years 3 years 2 years 1 year Lifetime
Pros Convenient, easy to carry Effective against viruses, chemicals Lightweight, fast flow rate Lightweight, affordable, easy to use Durable, fast flow rate Durable, large capacity Lightweight, affordable, easy to use
Cons Not as effective against viruses and chemicals as some other filters Weight, but does double as a water container. Not as durable as some other filters Small capacity Expensive. Not as durable as some other filters Slow flow rate. Cant be used "on the go" Slow flow rate